Message Stores
WinFax PRO and TalkWorks PRO stores log records in the default Messages message store. A message store works like a filing cabinet with drawers that hold different types of files. For easy access, the Messages message store organizes your messages by placing them in one of four default folders:
- Send Log Stores sent messages.
- Receive Log Stores received messages.
- Outbox Stores scheduled, held, and pending messages.
- Wastebasket Stores deleted messages until you remove them manually or automatically.
Fax and voice log entries in the Messages message store are uncompressed; the Messages message store is therefore more suitable for short-term message storage or for storing a smaller number of messages.
If you want to keep your messages for long-term use or you receive large numbers of messages, you can set up your own message filing system with custom message stores and subfolders. For example, you might want to organize correspondence by customer and your sales reports by quarter.